Friday, December 23 – Thursday, December 29, 2016
Selah June woke up from her nap to see Grandma and Madison from Oklahoma here for Christmas! Madison brought finger paints that were clear gels. When they touched the paper, they would turn colors. SJ loved it and loved the attention! Madison is amazing with kids. Selah June quickly became her tiny little friend.
Here’s a picture of the guest room after we got it finished in time for their visit.

We went to the Settle’s Christmas at Kim and Tom’s house. Spaghetti and meatballs! Yummy!!! Jessica also made tiramisu and gluten-free chocolate cake. It was delicious. We opened Christmas presents with the kids and exchanged presents with Nana and Papa.

Early Sunday morning at our house…
Selah Juney woke up very early on Christmas morning. Even her little 2-year-old self knew that something magical had happened that night. We found all of the presents under the tree and very quickly began to plead to open them. This year marks the first time she has understood that presents have good things inside of them, and she wants to open every one, little piece by little piece to discover the treasurers hidden inside. She is so funny in the way she opens presents. She has to stay on top of the mess she’s making. Each piece of paper is added to the pile, and the pile is kept together in a place separate and out of the way.

Selah June LOVED her Frozen microphone. Best $5 present EVER!!!!!

She immediately had to turn it on and sing to it….and again again and again. It was difficult opening her other present single-handedly, but somehow she made it work.
Jeremy captured her initial reaction to her big present – her bicycle. It was classic. She pretty much looked at it and then ran off. Only later did she decide to try to take it for a spin.
While singing into her microphone – of course.

When all the presents were finally opened, she took a break to watch some cartoons.
Late Sunday morning….

Got my Diet Coke ready in my custom monogrammed thermos from Kim and Tom.
Winston and Satie planned to tell the story of Christmas using the manger scene set up by the tree and presents. It turned into a silent puppet show for the two of them, their backs to us the whole time.

All the kids in a sea of presents.
There was quite a lot to take in…
But she was stylin’ in her flannel Christmas pajamas – even though it was 80 degrees outside.
Even later Sunday…
Ab made delicious desserts for Christmas Day. I snuck some home for a little nighttime treat.
Peanut butter cheesecake and chocolate chip cookies. ❤

SJ got a Paw Patrol couch that converts to a bed. It was a big hit. Even after we came home, she pulled her couch right up to the hearth and settled in for a nice little movie.
Monday December 26, 2016 – the Beach!!

Turquoise Place has a new key system. Every guest wears a bracelet that lets them into all the areas of the property. Why does SJ need a bracelet you might ask… Because each bracelet is $20 to replace if lost or taken from the condo.
On her way to the beach for an adventure!!!
Grandma loved the sand between her toes…

The surf was a little rough, but the sun was low and the breeze was nice. We walked along the shore picking up tiny seashells.

Maddie and I found a great little perch and camped out. Within just a few moments, the waves swooshed under us and soaked our pants. Felt that!!
It was a beautiful sunset that first night.

Mom and Dad joined us in time for dinner at Lambert’s. The place was full, but we didn’t have to wait too long. Everybody loved the food (ALL THE FOOD!!!). Grandma and Maddie had the veggie plate and loved the fried okra, fried potatoes, carrots, rolls, and beets. As usual the macaroni was weird. SJ made herself useful by organizing the little packets of seasoning and condiments before choosing down on a big roll and some chicken.
We all stayed up late visiting and letting our food settle. Nonetheless, with a little one in the bed and a sinus infection brewing in my head, I was up before sunrise. And I wasn’t the only one. Miss Priss woke up in the middle of the night and joined Grandma on the couch for some milk and a movie.
The sunrise was spectacular!!!!!!

I couldn’t decide which of these I loved the best…so I uploaded all of them. On Tuesday we went shopping at the outlets, and SJ had a nap and played with Grandma.
We picked up dinner at Publix and had a nice meal together at the condo. Then Maddie and Mom sketched together while Dad and I read our books. I can’t remember the last time I just spent time reading with no attention to the time.
Wednesday we all loaded up in our cars early and went to visit the Gulf Shores Zoo. Maddie and Linda followed the television series called “The Little Zoo That Could” – all about the Gulf Shores Zoo and its efforts to rebuild after a devastating hurricane that hit the coast a decade ago. It’s the same zoo that has snow leopard cubs from time to time that you can play with. At the moment, there are lemur, sloth, and anteater encounters. Maddie really wanted to see both the lemurs and the sloths.

SJ took another crack at handling a wagon through a walking adventure. The last version of this was the Christmas lights at Bellingrath Gardens. That turned into a nightmare with her throwing a fit because we couldn’t let her push the wagon. People were backing up behind us and understandably growing impatient. This time went a little better, in part because there wasn’t really a line. But she still stubbornly bossed the adults around and insisted on having her own way. We’ve got to continue to work on that. Grandma is probably right that the zoo experience will be completely different a year from now. Let’s hope so! And in a good way!
Grandma bought her a book in the gift shop. It is about an alligator and has an alligator puppet built into it. She was very tired and couldn’t enjoy it over lunch, but we pulled it back out later at the condo and worked on developing a persona for the gator.
Man I felt terrible on Wednesday. My cold developed into a sinus infection, and I just couldn’t keep it together. Though I tried riding exercise bikes with Mom (and spotted dolphins while at it!!!!) and tried taking drugs and massaging my lymph glands, I just couldn’t muster the energy to get dressed to go to dinner. My glands were so swollen and sinuses Inflamed that it hurt to open my jaw. I needed rest and used a hot compress on my face to relieve some of the pain.
Selah Juney was content to eat some applesauce, chicken, and cookies for dinner.
The sunset was beautiful once again.

Little Miss went to bed with her Daddy. This is what I found when I went to bed myself.

Somebody crashed out in their bed in the bed. What a wonderful and rich day.
The last week has been absolutely cram packed with quality time and Christmas celebrations, vacation and new experiences, and rest and relaxation. I could not have asked for a better time. Selah June had a great holiday break at age 2. What a way to bring in the new year!!
We’re tuckered out!