My mind has been foggy and distant for several days now, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t had lots of funny things to share in pictures and videos.
Thursday (June 9), Selah June spent time at Grammy’s. When I went to pick her up, she was in a delightful and sneaky mood. She loves to rifle through my bags looking for fun stuff to mess with. Here she snuck my apple and claimed it as her own. The final outcome was an apple with a single trail of bites taken out all around it in one big orbit of Selah June feasting.

Friday (June 10), we spend some time over at Kom’s house in the pool with Satie and Sebastian. I let her take her time playing with the little kitchen on the back porch and didn’t force her to put on her swimsuit until she was interested in getting in the water. Eventually, she actually did show interest and let me change her. She on her own stepped down onto the first step and then experimented with stepping onto the second. I didn’t make her practice her float or get her face wet or try her swim. I just wanted her to have fun in the water. And what seemed like the most fun was grabbing pretzels from a bowl on the table, lining them up by the pool, and then dropping them into the water until they were waterlogged clumps of goo. Doesn’t that sound appetizing?

And she did practice her kicking after all.
Saturday (June 11), we went to Lowe’s and looked at appliances. Doesn’t that sound like an old married fart’s weekend outing? We filled up on popcorn from the night before and then loaded up in the car for good drinks at Sonic and an adventure through most of the aisles of Lowe’s. We had to drive the riding mowers, and we had to run all around the appliances. We also had to do some walking while holding both Mommy and Daddy’s hands. I think we’re going to save money on replacing the electric water heater with a tankless gas heater for now and put it towards stainless steel appliances. It seems to make more sense for the time being. We also want to paint at least three rooms in the new house, replace the mirrored closet doors in the upstairs bedroom, and tile all three of the carpeted bedrooms. So we had a lot of things to check out at the store. Selah June was great for most of it, but then she got a little bored with all of the grown up home repair junk. I can’t blame her. I was kind of over it too.
Jeremy had a golf tournament all afternoon, so SJ and I went over to Mom’s house to visit and use her pool. Once again, she really wanted to get in the water and sit on the steps. I think that is good given that we’ve been going to swimming lessons every single weekday for three weeks now and she’s really not a happy camper over it. We sat on the steps and played with the weighted fish and net. She was happy as a clam. (Although I will say that she was not happy with Grandpa who was using the time to help Uncle Tommy pressure wash the house. She didn’t like that he was not playing with her. She did not like that he was using noisy scary equipment. She didn’t like that he wouldn’t come sit down in the pool with her. She kept yelling for him. And when he didn’t respond over the really loud pressure washer, she got scared and kept saying “sorry! sorry! sorry, Gah-pa! I’m not sure what that’s about. She’s now associated fear with apologizing. I don’t know if she means that she wants the feeling she’s having to stop… thus guilt and fear might elicit the same response. I don’t know.)

We had to get out of the pool because we heard thunder. After eating some lunch, SJ conned Grammy into going into the toy room and reading books with her.

Sunday (June 12) we went to church and then lunch at Sonny’s. She was very very tired. She didn’t sleep well at all — up from 3-7am. So lunch was a bit of a challenge.

She took a great nap in the afternoon, and then we played outside watering plants and getting wet in our baby pool. Of course I strip her down for water activities (especially before bath time), so she had a couple of funny moments I had to capture for posterity.