Beach Babe… in October

October 13, 2014

Jamie, Stacie, and Penelope came to visit Selah June, and we took P to the beach.  I’ve never heard a child be so excited!  She squealed and laughed and stomped with glee.  And I had no idea P was so fearless!  The waves were rougher than I’ve ever seen them – absent a hurricane.  On a red flag day, Penelope wanted to strap on her life jacket and head for the waves.  As the waves rushed nearly over her head, she screamed and hopped up and down.  Jamie held her as best he could, but she was something else.

It was also Selah June’s first time in a bathing suit!

swimsuit baby edited

I was worried about the sun, but I wrapped her up in the Mobi and she slept the whole time.  It was wonderful to be outside, in the ocean breeze, with my punkin nestled up so close to me.  I held her and caressed her little back rolled up in a ball on my chest.

What was life like before Selah June?  I can barely remember.