All Thumbs

January 8, 2015

i think we found our thumb today.

Selah June might be a thumb sucker.  Over the last few days, Grammy has been experimenting with putting her down as soon as she starts shaking her arms frantically because she’s getting fussy.  And she’s responded by self-soothing, sucking on her fingers for comfort.  Hurray!!!!

i don’t particularly want to ween her from her own thumb down the road, but if it’s going to be either a pacifier or a thumb……   I’ll take the thumb.  Less work for me.  And these are baby teeth, right?  How jacked up can her mouth really get over the next few years?  (SPOKEN LIKE A TRUE CLOSET THUMB-SUCKER).  I might have sucked my thumb as late as the 1st or 2nd grade.
