On the Eve of a New Year

new years outfit

December 31, 2014

Mom and Dad surprised us this evening with an offer to watch Selah June so that we could go have dinner together.  I wasn’t prepared at all for it.  In fact, I had already started thinking about all the junk TV we were going to watch on the couch with bowls of oatmeal.  Sounds like an awesome New Year’s Eve, doesn’t it?  We’re old, and we have a three-month-old.

We took them up on the spontaneous offer and promised to be back in an hour-and-a-half so that they could make their traditional steaks by 8:00 and watch their movies before ringing in the new year.

After dinner, Jeremy asked me what I think Selah June will be like when she gets older.  Will she like sports? music? clothes?  Will she sing and dance?  Will she be happy?

I said that if nature has its way, then she probably will be athletic, love family, like to cook and organize, and be wicked smart.  If nurture has its way, she’ll be stylish and witty…  😉  Jeremy agreed that she would probably get that from him.

new years at grammys