Saturday, November 12, 2016

I have been so slow to post these days. Sometimes life just gets too hard, and you just have to sit in a chair and wait. Jeremy’s pretty depressed. He’s been homebound for a month, and the doctor approved his disability for another month. The cabin fever has set in, but he’s in no shape to be out and about in the world.
I came back from San Diego recovering from a horribly painful cold (sore throat) only to find a baby girl coming down with the flu. Last week was a 4-day workweek because of Veteran’s Day, but I only made it to school for two of those days really. And that was pretty much a miracle. Thursday night Jeremy was up all night puking and having diarrhea. Yesterday I developed stomach cramps and chills. Sometimes you just have to sit in the chair.
Selah June’s appetite still hasn’t really come back entirely. She’s a little interested in hot dogs and the occasional half of a banana, but she’s not chowing down on anything (even french fries and tator tots. Needless to say, I’ve been pretty okay with her junking out on Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, and PJ Masks. It’s hard to enforce rules for healthy living when you can’t get out of the chair.
We’ve had some adorable moments this week. When I came back from San Diego, she didn’t really want much to do with me. It hurt my feelings as it always does, but then she made herself so upset that she puked on herself in her carseat. Mom’s job is to make that all better. She quickly flipped the switch and wanted to hug and snuggle with me.
This morning Selah June and I spent some time out on the front porch. She actually had a bit of an appetite, and I let her eat whatever she wanted. Three mandarin orange cups and some popcorn later, she had a pretty nasty diaper…but it was delicious while it lasted.
I pulled her hair out of her face and put one of her new bows in her hair. She said “Not Julia’s!” Apparently, Julia is the fashionista of the 2-year-old class. I never thought I’d be able to keep hair bows in her hair ever again…but maybe we’re entering a new era.

Friday, November 11, 2016
Last night, when the weather turned a little chilly, I pulled a sweatshirt out of her drawer. She was totally cool with putting it on and immediately started calling it her “A,B,C shirt.” It has “GAP” written on the front of it. She also started saying quite repetitively “Hat on! Hat on! Hat on!” It had a hood, and she wanted it ON her head. That must be a hold over from her monkey costume on Halloween.

You would think she was chowing down on candy…but she mostly just wanted access to her basket so that she look at all of it. She tried a few things but really wasn’t too interested in any of it. She might have eaten a pack of M&Ms and a roll of smarties. But she also wasn’t really interested in sleep. I think it was 10:15 before she went to bed. Jeremy and I were both dying. Flu and toddler raves don’t mix that well.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Selah June had to stay home from school because she’s still not fully recovered from the stomach bug that’s ravaging St. Luke’s. She had a blow-out diaper on Wednesday while on the playground, and they have a 24-hour rule to keep kids home until they are no longer contagious. So…. That made for a very interesting workday. The crazy logistics combined with somebody waking up at 4:30am made for a rollercoaster of a Thursday.
It’s hard to be frustrated when you are right next to such a sleeping sweetheart. When she woke up…. just 10 minutes after falling asleep in my bed, I asked, “Did you just have a little cat nap?” She immediately started meowing. “I not a dragon now. Meow.”
We left the house around 11:30 to get Jeremy’s pain meds and groceries before I had to get to school for a few meetings. She was out before we even made it to the first stop.
And that’s when you have to wake a sleeping baby. Fortunately, she got her very own balloon and her little world wasn’t crushed.

Unfortunately, Jeremy started showing flu-like symptoms while we were gone. By the evening, he was vomiting. He didn’t stop having the runs until 1 in the morning. Looks like we’ll be going to the doctor on Veteran’s Day. Woohoo!