Kindred Spirits

December 13, 2014

Selah June is trying so hard to talk these days.  She spends many sessions a day with her dad mimicking his coos and various faces.  If she’s looking at him, she’s smiling.  It’s amazing to me that you can detect such a strong bond between the two given that she’s not even three months old.

selah with dad 3 dad and selah june 2 dad and selah june 1

Sleigh Bells Ring

December 11, 2014

christmas dress

This was the best picture I could get of her in her little Christmas dress.  Mom, Ab, Jess, and Kim, if you have better ones on your cameras or phones, please send them!

Mom hosted a Sip and See at her house for all the long-term friends of the family.  She looked like a little doll.  I was really proud of her for holding it all together as well as she did.  The spread was fabulous, and people were very thoughtful.  They filled out Selah June’s library — of particular importance to her mother.  The brought cookies for the cookie swap, although they resisted taking tins of cookies home.  (argggghhhh)

Grammy bought Selah June her very own fancy pants play mat.  We can’t wait to try it out!  Very few items will need to be exchanged.  Everybody (for the most part) thought about buying her bigger sizes.  She’s not a newborn anymore!  I can’t believe it.  It’s going by so fast.

I called this particular outfit her Ghetto Fabulous Walmart Dress.  I think the name speaks for itself.

Sometimes YOU Have to Poop

December 10, 2014


We started probiotics this week.  Amazon Prime delivered to my doorstep a bottle of miracle bacteria to add to LIttle Miss’ bottles.  Within 12 hours, she was acting like a different baby.  NO JOKE!  I’m now the biggest believer in these little guys.  Public Service Announcement:  If you know any poor soul dealing with a baby with “colic,” tell them to go immediately to get probiotics.  They are the bomb diggity.

Now that she is acting like a “normal” baby, I’m beginning to think about my own bodily functions.  This week, we’re exploring the experience of putting the baby down to brush my teeth, putting the baby down to eat some lunch, and even putting the baby down to go poop!  When you gotta go, you gotta go…. and, if you know the baby is not crying because of pain, then your poop takes precedence over baby’s preference to be held.

You know you’ve been there…  having to poop while holding a baby.  We’ve all been there.

Grammy’s Playmat

December 6, 2014

We spent some of the day with Grammy and Grandpa because Deadbeat Poopy Daddy was still out of town.  Grammy pulled out her awesome butterfly playmat and brand new toys to dangle from the arches.  Selah June LOVED it!  She kicked and cooed at all the shaky bugs and crunchy butterflies.  She smiled at herself in the turtle mirror.  Mom and Selah June took selfies.  It was a good time. Grammy knows her infant development stages. She is the Baby Whisperer.


Sleeping Beauty

December 5, 2014

For our 10 week birthday, we decided to sleep for 8 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!!  Dad was gone.  (That’s why we call him “dead beat poopy daddy” from time to time.)  Though Selah June slept like a champ, Mom woke up at regular intervals.  Zulily is pretty boring at 2 in the morning.

When we woke up, we were happy, happy, happy!

face 1

face 2

face 3

face 4

face 5

cute with vignette

December 3, 2014

Selah June and I have been spending a lot of time together.  With Jeremy back at work and me still on leave, I’m soaking in as much of the baby days as I can.  Though she’s changing every single day, she’s still so little that we don’t have much of a schedule yet.  Some days she sleeps through the morning and then is rather happy in the afternoons.  Some days she doesn’t sleep at all and is relatively fussy from morning till night.  There doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it.  All we know is that she seems to sleep better at night on rough days and worse at night on good days.

Today was hard.  She barely napped at all, waking up every time I put her down.  She screamed when I laid her down to change her — every single time.  She spit up on me after every feeding — multiple times.  I think I went through five shirts.  (And, yes, I was using a burp cloth.)  She did not want to be in a swing or bouncer.  She did not want to sit up or lie down.

Uggghhh….  I would have gladly done either.

brown spots

But she is cute.

with bottle

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire


November 30, 2014

It seems that all we had to do was tell everybody on the planet that Selah June had colic in order to get a little bit of sweet relief.  The last few days, she has taken long naps, had relatively calm evenings, and slept like a champ.  She’s proving us to be liars….  Nobody believes us when we tell them that this beautiful little peaceful angel has inconsolable fussy fits for hours and hours on end.

I’ll be a liar any day if it means we have some rest.

Yesterday, she spent some time in a different bouncer — the one for which we registered — and she actually saw the little birds flying overhead.  She sat for quite a while gazing up at them, watching them flit around as I made the seat bounce up and down.  We were around tons of people throughout the day for Jessica’s birthday celebration, and she smiled at their funny faces and silly voices.  We’re seeing a little bit of personality these days from Miss Selah June.


The explosive liquid poop diapers have also eased up.  I’m thinking that she might have a sensitivity to iceberg lettuce.  Jessica’s never been able to eat it, and I think that might have been passed along to little one.  I guess that means I’ll have to be more careful with all my salads!

Black Friday Bliss

selah june 2 month sign

November 28, 2014

Selah June and I spent our first Black Friday together at home resting together.  She seems to have come down with a little bit of a cold, and I can’t stand to hear her little cough and persistent sniffles.  It hurts me to hear her hurt.

So we decided to stay inside.  There wasn’t anything in any add that could have lured me out of my house this year.  I am so tired!  Yesterday was a full day, and we are both tuckered out.

Spending so much time one-on-one with her today, I noticed several things.  She’s really holding her head up a lot better.  I think she’ll be able to do it totally on her own within a few weeks.  She also is cooing.  It’s so cool to hear her little voice.  She’s developing clear and communicative facial expressions.  When she’s upset, she now curls that bottom lip into the most pathetic face you’ve ever seen before letting out a wail.  And she smiles.  Her smile is a light that shines.  It now brightens my every day.

I’ll see if I can catch it over the next few days to share it with you.