Family Time for Mending

Sunday, April 23, 2017

We did our own thing on Sunday. Selah June was feeling a little better, but she wasn’t eating much. We decided to just spend time together and go to the store to buy clothes and go to the mall to walk around.

At TJ MAXX, we found this awesome money set. She was cracking us up because she was finding all the right places to put the bills by matching the old man faces.

I would say, “that’s right! That’s Andrew Jackson!” And she’d say “yah! That’s right!”

At the mall, we took her to ride on the little cars and trucks and boats. She wasn’t so sure about them and kind of preferred to sit in them when they weren’t moving. This kid has a serious phobia of cars!  (Not that I’m complaining…)

We came home and had dinner, including a fresh salad from our garden.

And then we ended the night with some good old Paw Patrol.  Selah June’s version of a TV dinner.

Feeling Puny

Friday, April 21, 2017

Selah June brought home some kind of stomach bug from school this week. Last night, she practically slept through Grammy and Grandpa being over for dinner, and then she managed to wake up long enough to puke her guts out all over the couch. (That is not fun to clean up.)

I stayed home from school in the afternoon so that Jeremy could go in to work. He came home with a big basket of Frozen puzzles and stickers and bubbles. (One of the perks of working at Walgreens is first dibs on day-after holiday packages and treats.)

She loves her daddy, and I can’t say that I blame her.

After dinner, he took her outside to blow bubbles.

Who needs pants?

Passed Out

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I woke up to somebody passed out in my bed. You can see her little bracelet. She loves it and finally wants to wear it. I tried to keep her from going to sleep with that hairband on her wrist, but somehow it made it into her crib. We’re lucky it didn’t cut off circulation. It did leave a mark…

We Love Lettuce!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Selah June and I spent time outside in our garden this evening. We picked lots of lettuce and green onions for our salad. It was Grammy’s birthday, but there were things going on. We planned dinner at Founaris Brothers  for Tuesday.

Groceries and Gumption

April 16, 2017

Here is the rest of our Easter Sunday. We needed to her groceries, and the only place that was open was Walmart.

She has started leading people to where she wants them to go. This is her telling us “Come on, kids!  This way!!”

Completely out of control…

And here is the meltdown that is a staple part of any shopping trip.



Cute for Easter

April 16, 2017

Selah June looked adorable in her Easter dress even though I didn’t really get any good pictures of her before church. This one is pretty cute.

And here are her heels.

Here she is “following” her daddy. (We all know who’s following whom in this relationship…)

And we got lots of Easter treats in Sunday School.

Easter Stash

April 15, 2017

Selah June was at Jamie’s baby shower when I arrived back home in Pensacola. We went to go get her, and she had gotten a fancy new cup.

Mall the kids did an egg hunt, and they were all told to “give some to the baby!!” She made out like a bandit. For days, she’s been pulling out chocolate. I have no idea how much more to expect. She’s got a stash from days and days of back-to-back egg hunts.

Mommy in Austin

April 13, 2017

I was in Austin for the SWPSA meeting, and Jeremy was on full-time dad duty.

They went on driving adventures, shopping trips for Easter eggs, breakfast at Grover’s…all kinds of places.

She apparently woke up in the middle of the night pretty regularly, but she wasn’t too upset after the first night to see me through FaceTime. I think a bit of diaper rash and a whole lot of tired made the first night hard.

My Little Easter Bunny

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Selah June let me dress her up for an Easter photo shoot. We put on her favorite dress that Grammy and Grandpa gave her. We put on our heels and our bracelet from Mimi.

We brushed our hair and fixed it so it was pretty.

And then we went outside to find pretty flowers to take pictures.

Right outside the door is a huge jasmine bush. It smells so good…

And out back were little tiny purple flowers.

And then we found lots of clovers.

But outlet favorite spot was on the log out front.