January 24, 2015
I think a lot about how quickly she’s growing up. It makes me sad to go through her clothes and weed out the little tops and bottoms that no longer fit. We waited so long for her to join our family, and now it seems like she’s in a mad rush to grow up and leave it. Isn’t that silly? She’s only 4 months old, and I’m already experiencing empty nest syndrome.
I’m also excited to wake up every morning and see how her little personality develops.

Sometimes I look at her and think she looks so grown up. I can imagine the little person she’s becoming. She’s already showing clear preferences for sounds and faces, for books and videos, for people and places. I want to know all those preferences. I can’t wait to go on trips together, to watch movies and get treats. Maybe when she’s big and I’m old, she’ll still want to spend time with me. She’ll call me just to see what I’m doing and stop by to give me a hug.
Man… I think I need a shot of whiskey.