Saturday, May 21, 2016
We took Selah June on a family adventure to the Orchestra Olympics down at the Seanger Theater on Saturday. Ab was the “reporter” for the olympics during the concert, and all of the little ones were there together to watch the show.
Before the concert, they had rooms set up for the kids to try out all of the different families of instruments. There was a room of stringed instruments and a room of woodwinds. There was a room for the brass instruments too. And then there was the percussion room. It was a CRAZY place, full of maddening drumming by wild children armed with mallets. Selah June loves to drum, and it was even a little much for her.

After the percussion room, we made our way to the art table. You could pick out stars and stickers to put on your paper. It was a little too grown up for her.

We found a great spot up front in the concert hall to see all the instruments and watch Aunt Abigail in action.

Satie and Winston insisted on sitting together. They were in tears until we found a way to make it work. Bastian, on the other hand, was perfectly content sitting on the other side of Grandpa.

Selah June hung in there for a good 40 minutes, and then she started to get a little stir crazy. Grandpa held he on his lap and did his magic. She settled right down while he patted the rhythms of the music on her belly and whispered in her ear.

After the show, we all walked and walked and walked back to the cars in the parking lot behind the theater. Little Miss wanted to walk on her own, of course.

We celebrated at Wendy’s over chicken nuggets and fries.