Category Archives: Uncategorized

Football Is For Babies

September 19, 2015


This little girl is ready for football Saturday!!!  She’s got her game face on!

And a few packages have been trickling in through the mail for somebody’s big birthday coming up on the 26th!!!  I think these should keep us busy and noisy for some time to come.


Later….  at Grammy’s house…


“What?  Did somebody say football is on?  This is seriously going to cut into my practice time.”


Later…. at lunch time…

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And even later…. during playtime….


After the OU game, Grandpa decided we needed to stretch our legs (and work off our bellies) and go somewhere to get out of the house.  With UF playing in the late afternoon, we had a window to take a break from football.  TARGET!!!!

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We like riding in the cart, and we very much like to put our mouths on things that we really shouldn’t. So gross….

After a successful unnecessary trip to Target (and a super necessary trip to Sonic), we were back in the den with even more people to watch the UF game.  Selah June loves to be in the middle of all the action, and she LOVES to drum.




September 18, 2015

After not feeling so swell for a couple weeks in a row, I decided to stay home in my pjs and just rest with Miss SJ.  That meant that Jeremy had to be the face of the family for us for the outside world.  He looked all handsome and whatnot and scooped up the baby for a goodbye kiss.  They were too cute together, and I had to take a couple pics.  baby daddy 1

baby daddy 2

I can see why people think that she’s related to us… and particularly Jeremy.  Big blue eyes and little button noses about at my house.  My heart swells with love for these two.

Buckle Up!

September 16, 2015

Just look at the trouble that SJ gets into at Grammy’s house…

race car





Mom said that she knew exactly what to do when she sat behind that wheel.  It was scary!  She’s going to be a race car driving, speed junkie.  We all just better get used to the idea.

Sand Between Our Toes

September 14, 2015

JJ and SJ beach 1

Grandpa had the idea of taking Selah June to the beach.  They were just going to go for the morning, and then he had some work he needed to get done.  The thought of the beach was too much for me to resist.  I love September and October at the beach.  Nobody is out there, and the weather is perfect.

I have more pictures, but I want to get these posted in case I don’t get around to editing the others.

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JJ and SJ beach 2 JJ and SJ beach 4 JJ and SJ beach 4 black and white JJ and SJ beach 3 JJ and SJ beach 3 black and white

She really liked the wind in her face, the feel of the sand, and the birds flying by.  She wasn’t quite sure what to think about the water… but I think that’s a good thing for now.

I’m Sorry, Blog

September 24, 2015

I have let my blog down.  I need to apologize.  About a week ago, when I initially tried to catch up with my posting, I hit a brick wall.  After taking 10,000 pictures and videos and saving them to my computer, my system just refused to do any more.  Selah June and I had used up all 128 GB of my Mac’s space.

After doing some research and price comparisons, I settled on a 128GB jump drive that was on sale on Amazon.  Can you believe that you can fit an entire computer’s-worth of files on a jump drive?  That just blows my mind.  Anyway, it finally came in the mail yesterday.  It took several hours to move all of the files from my laptop photo library to the jump drive, but it worked.  I now have a functioning computer again and enough room for year 2 of Selah June’s little, precious life.

I’ll do my best to backtrack and catch the memories and milestones of the last week.  We’ll see how well that goes.

Bubbles and Peanut Butter


September 13, 2015

Baths have become a part of our regular evening routine.  All the peanut butter and bananas smeared through the hair and down our thighs is enough to put me right over the edge.

It’s one of my favorite times of day now.  She loves the water, loves splashing, loves tasting bubbles, loves slip sliding around, and loves to play with her bath toys.  She doesn’t mind the part where I have to pour water on her head to get the shampoo out, even though it inevitably gets in her eyes and makes her sneeze.

She’s a really good bather, which is lucky… because she’s also a really good eater.

bath time


Snicklefritz Fridays

September 11, 2015

Jess was out of town this week, and we didn’t know whether she’d make it back Thursday night.  Between short layovers and long weather delays, it was touch and go there for a while.

Luckily she made it home, and the kids had fun playing together Friday while I was at work.  Here is the cuteness I received to brighten my day.


My little drummer girl loves her some pots and pans!  Look at that devious little grin.  We’re in trouble folks.

When we got home and sat down to eat dinner as a family, the snicklefritz gave us a good show.

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September 10, 2015

We spent a good bit of time playing together in the toy room this week.  SJ has been really interested in the bean bag chairs we purchased at Walmart to give little kids a place to sit for cartoons and movies away from the adults.  She was too cute.  I couldn’t resist.

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Messed Up

September 9, 2015

Little Miss is more like Little Mess these days.  We feed her a little bit of everything to try to keep her diet well-rounded and her tastes diverse.  Unfortunately, that means sticky food and slimy food, stringy food and squishy food.  There’s nothing like snuggling with a baby whose hair smells like chicken, oranges, and peanut butter.  For some reason I’m craving Zaxby’s and an Orange Julius.


Popeye My Selah Man

September 8, 2015

When I went to pick up Selah June today at Grammy’s house, she was dressed in a boy’s shirt with grey and navy stripes — some kind of cross between an old prison uniform and a sailor suit.

I kept calling her “old man” and “grandpa” just to make Mom laugh.  SJ’s getting very messy with her food.  It normally ends up smeared in her hair.  Apparently, Grammy’s out of baby clothes, but she decided to give everybody a bath before Satie’s ballet lesson.

So Selah June got dressed up as Popeye.
