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Saturday, March 18, 2017

We took Selah June to TJ MAXX for the purpose of buying new books. She found quite a few that she needed and a bottle of bubbles. The lady at the counter gave her all of her treasures in her own bag that she then carried out of the store. This girl needs no instructions on how to shop.

Let’s Go Shopping!

Saturday, March 18, 2017

This crazy cutie petutie was running around like a crazy person this morning, screaming “chase me! Chase me!!”

i cornered her in her bedroom.

We checked out the balcony outside our bedroom this morning and looked at our garden. SJ also checked out her money.

Daddy suggested a very fine idea — that we take a trip to get DOUGHNUTS!! In case you haven’t heard, Selah June loves doughnut holes. She gets her own bag full. This morning, Mommy went too. Given that she doesn’t usually make the trip, Selah june had to chide her to stay in line and to wait our turn.

i think she put away a solid 8 of her dozen by the time we got home.

After nap time,we went on a shopping adventure to TJ MAXX.  We told Selah June that she could get some new books, and she was super excited. I made the mistake of separating from the pack. By the time I found them, she had her own bag full of new treasures.

My Skittish Little Sunshine

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I got really bogged at work and wasn’t able to leave until about 3:45. That’s not late, by any standard. But this week was spring break, and I really wanted to spend some quality time with Selah June. So I was frustrated at myself and at how unpredictable and somewhat unproductive my work day had been. Jeremy offered to pick her up, but I was just finishing up my workout when her pulled up with good drinks. I jumped in the car, and we went to pick her up together.

When we walked into her classroom, she squealed and ran straight for him. I let out a dramatic sigh, and she grinned from ear to ear and swirled over to me instead. Miss Rachel thought she was too much. I then asked SJ if Miss Rachel is her favorite, and she said “no.” Oops…

Every day she tells me that Rachel is her favorite. She gets me in such trouble…

When we got home, we walked to the mailbox to check the mail. In the distance, she heard a car or ambulance or something, and it spooked her. She took off running inside, yelling “hurry! hurry!”

Daddy suggested that we go check on our garden.

Too precious for words.

How Shocking!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

After my morning appointment, I met up with Mom and we went to go get manicures and pedicures before picking up little Selah June. It’s been quite a while since we did that. Mom thinks it’s been since her trip to Spain before her knee surgery. That’s too long!!

Selah June loved seeing her Grammy show up with me. I was in trouble, though. Apparently, I hadn’t signed up for her to be there on Wednesday. I know that other moms are totally on top of these kinds of details…but I don’t really feel spring break in my work rhythm the way other faculty and students do. And with all the sickness and stress, I’ve just been in a fog. It was okay. Regina just added another day to my billing invoice for this extended week. I just felt really lame…and embarrassed that she had to call me about it – while I was doing something so indulgent as getting a pedicure.  Lame…

At Grammy’s house, SJ had an absolute freak out when she saw Grandpa. He had come down to her level and reached out to touch her. It was cold outside, and I think he accidentally shocked her. She didn’t know what it was and it scared her. After I got her to stop screaming, I explained as best I could. She then told everybody she could that Grandpa shocked her and she cried.

It quickly passed, though, and she was chowing down on some chips with Grammy having a grand old time.

Negotiating with a Princess

Monday, March 13, 2017

I think this picture pretty much sums up the dynamic at my house. We are living (and loving) life with a 2 year old. She is developing such a sophisticated sense of humor, it is unreal. Tonight, I asked her to come get in my lap to snuggle. I even tried to lure her with games on my phone. But she being the little stinker she is went right over to Jeremy and climbed up in his lap. Then she turned to him and asked him to play games on his phone. What she did not anticipate was that Jeremy didn’t have his phone. She was stuck!

But this is Selah june we’re talking about. Within a couple seconds, she was climbing down from his lap and asking in the most sheepish voice possible for my phone. Of course, I yelled “what??!!!?? Are you kidding me right now??” She said “your phone??” and grinned up at me.

When I didn’t readily relent, she moved to the next strategy. Somehow she found a dollar somewhere and sidled back up to me. “I buy your phone?”

“What??!!??” I yelled.

“Here…” and she traded the dollar for my phone.

But then she realized she didn’t have her money anymore. Buyer’s remorse.

So we spent the next few minutes trading back and forth over and over again until she finally weazeled away from me both my phone and the money.

Were in trouble.

Playgrounds and Pizza

Saturday, March  11, 2017

After nap, we took the whole fam on a park expedition. We started by checking out the Community Maritime Park, but it was definitely built for kids older than Selah June.

So we made our way before the sun went down to our trusty Bayview playground. It’s amazing how much she’s grown in just a few months. Playing on the playground at school every day (multiple times a day) has made her so brave!


And look who slid down a slide for the first time in at least 9 months!!!

It turned a little cold on us…. a little hint of winter but nothing that could possibly get in the way of our good time.

We ended our adventure with a whole lot of pizza at Santinos. Wayyyyyyy too much pizza.

A Window on the Future

Friday, March 10, 2017

After work, I decided to take SJ on a little adventure. We took a first stab at a girl shopping trip. She was a big fan… kind of too big of a fan. She quickly found a watch, a purse, a pair of sunglasses for each of us, a Catboy, some perfume, and a bottle of nail polish.

And she was heartbroken when we left without most of her stash. It was probably the meanest thing I’ve ever done.

But it was no trauma that a little bit of family movie time with The Little Mermaid couldn’t fix.

My Puking Little Petunia

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Selah June was up ALL night with a stomach bug. Jeremy was a hero. I was drugged out, and he got up multiple times and washed sheets, gave baths, and soothed back to sleep.

I caught some of it – here and there, but mostly I was useless.

This is her after a day at home with me. Can you tell she’s a litt stir crazy?

It was really nice spending time together, and I was able to take a couple of meetings over the phone.

An Afternoon Adventure

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I had a break in my schedule this afternoon, so I asked Mom if she wanted to take SJ to a park and talk about all the mess with Dan. She did, and she met us at the caterpillar park with good drinks and chips.

Selah June was so excited to see Grammy, but she was heartbroken to see another mom and toddler on the park. It took her a while to accept that we might have to share this space. Eventually she decided to explore, and she quickly met an older little girl who wanted to be her friend. They were so cute together. The little girl saw a pretend car on one of the playground panels. She told SJ they were going to go to Walmart. And then they both started singing songs. BINGO was a favorite. Then a little black kid showed up and joined the pretend party to Walmart. He said, y’all got any rap to listen to? His momma busted out laughing and said, “of course he would say that.” She blamed it all on his daddy….

Selah June would have played there forever. She loves playing with older little girls and being their little pet or baby or whatever they want her to be. I literally had to drag her away from there, while she screamed bloody murder at me.