Author Archives: jevans1977

SJ’s First Home Show

August 22, 2015

Over the weekend, we decided to take a family adventure to the annual home show down at the Civic Center.  We’ve been talking through options for maximizing the space in our house.  It would be great to have a play space for Missy Miss as well as an office for me and a guest room.  We thought that the home show might give us some ideas.

I don’t know that it was helpful for that purpose, but it was nice getting out and about.

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Selah June was okay riding around, and she enjoyed being carried by Grandpa.  But she was NOT okay with Grandpa carrying on conversations that were not centered completely on her.  She would crane her body around so that she could shoot him a big smile and lock eyes with him…. “Hey, Grandpa.  Look at me! I’m over here, Grandpa!”

She’s a mess…  and it’s only getting messier.

Sweet Little Girl


August 21, 2015

This little baby spent the afternoon at Grammy’s house.  Apparently, there was a lot of napping that took place.  For the little bit of time that they spent playing, Grammy introduced Selah June to Pandora.  It started with Beethoven.  Every piece of music that Pandora selected was piano… and SJ loved it!

Grammy soon realized that she had a perfectly pink little piano just the right size for Miss Selah June tucked away in her magical toy room.

I didn’t witness it firsthand, unfortunately.  The pictures Grammy took, however, suggest someone was having a heck of a lot of fun.

Jeremy loves this picture.  He thinks it is one of the best photos we’ve been able to capture of her to date.  If I had to remember just one face, this wouldn’t be a bad one to capture.

I should also mention that there were some video moments at Grammy’s that involved the pink piano.  As you can see, SJ is really pulling herself up on stuff and most likely very close to trying to walk.  Stay tuned!!!

piano video 1

piano video 2


Making It a Party

August 15, 2015

cracker barrel

The weekends are so nice.  I get so rundown over the course of the week, but then Saturday rolls around.  We spent the day out and about.  Selah June went to a birthday party for Lydia Ingram.  Unfortunately, she didn’t get a good nap in before the party, and we weren’t able to stay very long.  But while we were there, she loved crawling as fast as she could to keep pace with the bigger kids.  They thought she looked like a little doll, and they were good sports as she took their toys and promptly put them in her mouth.

Of course, there was a poopy diaper.  SJ says, “It’s your party, and I’ll poop if I want to!”

We realized after about the third poop of the day that she’s probably eating too many mandarin oranges for her own good.  While they are incredibly delicious and the perfect baby fruit, too many servings can do a number on your number 2.

We ended the day at Cracker Barrel with Grammy and Grandpa.  All the people and noise and big plates of food kept SJ entertained throughout dinner.  She liked the biscuits, and she especially liked banging spoons on the table until they fell on the floor.  We left a whole table’s worth of cutlery in our wake — along with bits of boiled egg, chicken parts, and bits of green bean.

What can I say?  She does what she wants.


August 11, 2015

Selah June is really starting to mimic behavior.  She’s clapping now.  She’s raising her hands up in the air.  She sticks her tongue out at you.  She gives you kisses.  It’s SO MUCH FUN!!!

I think I’m creating a monster.  All I want to do all day long is play with her, show her off, and teach her new tricks.  It’s made me incredibly sad to be at work this week.  If only faculty and staff were all 10 months old…  Wouldn’t college be a more interesting and exciting place?  Definitely more crap to deal with….  literal crap, that is.




We All Need Toys

August 9, 2015


We went on a family adventure to Target to buy diapers and other stuff.  Selah June likes to sit in the cart and drive by all the people, but she doesn’t like her legs to be forced into those leg holes.  Instead, she prefers to turn herself around — either sideways or backwards.  The latter is nice because then you can actually see where you’re going.  I can’t say that I blame her.

While looking for water toys for her to use in her baby pool, I spotted this big blue ball with poky green things.  It was AWESOME!  I handed it to her, and she immediately started patting it like crazy.  No longer was her focus on leg holes.  She had a huge ball to figure out!  Problem solved.  It only cost $2.99…. this time.




August 7, 2015

baby eating bread 2

This morning I decided to just grab some stuff for baby breakfast and see what SJ would do with it.  We had leftover King’s Hawaiian Rolls and a couple of bananas on the counter.  I pulled one of the rolls apart and let her examine the texture, the taste, the smell.  Needless to say, she was a huge fan.  We love us some bread and bananas!!

baby eating bread 1

She’s also started being very flirty and coy.  Several times a day now, she’ll tilt her head to the side and give us this shy little grin.  We return with “sweet little baby.”  It’s her new trick.  Many little hearts will be broken by this little girl and her syrupy sweet little sweetness.

baby eating bread 3

More Water Play


August 4, 2015

I’m enjoying my outside pool time with Miss SJ.  It feels good to get some Vitamin D and to listen to the sounds of a country afternoon.  It’s been an awesome way to wash away the stress of work and the cabin fever of our routine.

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playing in the pool

Laughing Half Sibs

August 3, 2015

So on Monday one of the parents of SJ’s half-sibs uploaded a video to our facebook group of her baby laughing and laughing and laughing.  As I was watching it, I realized that the little guy sounded a whole lot like Miss SJ when she’s got the giggles.  I also realized that she was totally fascinated by the audio of this video.

So I played it again and recorded her watching it.

watching video

Play Pool

August 2, 2015

I made Jeremy take me to Walmart today to get a plastic pool for the back patio.  It’s been Florida hot lately.  We are definitely in the dog days of summer.  Selah June likes water, especially when she doesn’t have to practice her swimming skills.  Consequently, I knew she would enjoy splashing around in her own little pool. IMG_2368 IMG_2372

After trying out all of the plastic toys I threw in the water, she decided what she really wanted was my soda can.  Aluminum in water makes a really cool sound.IMG_2380 IMG_2385

Then she decided she wanted my big yellow cup.

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Here’s a video of our adventure.  Watch all the way to the end. It’s worth it!

pool time!!