April 2, 2016
Today was an AWESOME day. We didn’t really wake up until 8:00am. (That wasn’t really awesome for Jeremy. SJ was up for about 2 hours in the middle of the night.) Then we leisurely had our morning drinks and read books together. We took our time getting showers and then headed downtown for Jazz Fest. Mom and Dad were in the kick-off jazz band of the day at 11:00 with Immersion Christian Jazz Band. How fun is that? They had great players from East Brent, Olive, and First, and the crowd loved it. Ab and the boys showed up, and all the little kids danced to the music and ran around enjoying the weather and the people watching.
Then we headed to the mall for Chocolate Fest. That’s right! You heard it! Two fests in one day! What kind of craziness is that?? The event was a fundraiser for Gulf Coast Kids’ House. I pretty much ate my way down the first side of the first aisle. There were three aisles in all. It was insane and DELICIOUS! The sugar high was intense and the crash put us all to sleep for an afternoon nap. At the mall, SJ just wanted down. She wanted to run all around and check everything out. She particularly liked Zales with its maze through all of the jewelry counters. Grandpa finally stepped in and held her and whispered all about the things to see in order to calm her down enough so that we could keep pace with the line.
Jeremy went out this evening to watch the OU basketball game at New York Nick’s. It’s the last night that establishment will be open, and Jeremy wanted to spend the game there with friends. SJ and I took a “splash splash,” had some dinner, did puzzles, went through a whole lot of picture cards, played outside, read books, and had a ba ba. She gradually slowed down and eased into bedtime. It was actually a really great experience. I enjoyed spending several hours with her. She’s a fun kid, and she can be very chill. Given that I was out of town last weekend, it’s been several days since I’ve had a relaxed chunk of time to just be with her. It was really nice.
She’s so funny because she really really likes all things from outside. We’ve had this fly in our house today, and it’s been driving me nuts. While we were reading books, the fly landed on her hand. She thought that was the coolest thing ever. She started just laying her hand out to the side of her book hoping that the fly would come back and land there again. Cracked me up.