November 30, 2014
It seems that all we had to do was tell everybody on the planet that Selah June had colic in order to get a little bit of sweet relief. The last few days, she has taken long naps, had relatively calm evenings, and slept like a champ. She’s proving us to be liars…. Nobody believes us when we tell them that this beautiful little peaceful angel has inconsolable fussy fits for hours and hours on end.
I’ll be a liar any day if it means we have some rest.
Yesterday, she spent some time in a different bouncer — the one for which we registered — and she actually saw the little birds flying overhead. She sat for quite a while gazing up at them, watching them flit around as I made the seat bounce up and down. We were around tons of people throughout the day for Jessica’s birthday celebration, and she smiled at their funny faces and silly voices. We’re seeing a little bit of personality these days from Miss Selah June.

The explosive liquid poop diapers have also eased up. I’m thinking that she might have a sensitivity to iceberg lettuce. Jessica’s never been able to eat it, and I think that might have been passed along to little one. I guess that means I’ll have to be more careful with all my salads!