Friday, September 2, 2016
I had a conference call this morning at 6:00am. Uggggg… I made it through a shower, but that was about as much as I could handle at that hour. Little did I realize, it was a video conference. I noticed just about the time my face flashed in front of the screen. Double Uggggghh….
Luckily, Little Miss slept late and didn’t wake up until after 8:00!! That gave me just enough time to drink a second cup of tea and pack my lunch for the day.
We had a good trip to school, noticing all of the “tractors” (jeeps) and motorcycles and trucks and cars that looked like Grandpa’s car and Daddy’s car. We talked about what we were going to do after school (go to Satie and Bastian’s house) and enjoyed the final few bites of our Poptart.
When we got to her classroom, she grabbed her blue blanky and left me in the dust! I signed her in and peaked around the corner to see if she’d even thought about me leaving. And to my great joy she caught sight of me across the room and came ambling over for a kiss and a hug. So sweet…. I wish I could bottle it. So much better than any drug you can buy.
I had a full day at work with meetings in the afternoon. When I was sitting through a pretty long first-of-the-year Graduate Council meeting, I started getting texts. [And that’s why I’m trying to be really good about having my phone on me.]
OH NO!!!!! MAJOR CRISIS!!!! CALL 911!!!!!
Blue blanky did not make it back into SJ’s bag and was left at St. Luke’s on a Friday afternoon leading into a three-day weekend. ?????
Poor Jess… Here’s the text I received about the “situation.”
She wasn’t mad about not having her cup but she just kept telling me “No Mimi. No nap. Blue blankee for nap. Selah Junie needs a blue blankee for nap.”
Jeremy saved the day. He stopped by and pleaded with the church secretary to let him in. Under any other circumstances (than a holiday weekend), I don’t think it would have worked. But she had mercy on us and saved one little girl a whole lot of additional heartache.
After being our hero, he left us for a guy’s gaming night. Selah June and I had dinner and then decided to go on a walk. She wanted to walk toward Dean Brown’s house to walk on the rocks. I saw his truck there and didn’t want to other him, but she’s hard to refuse. We sat on the little “log” for a while just enjoying the quiet, the simple entertainment of rocks, and the ice from my drink.
We snagged a few selfies while we were at it, and one of them I really liked. Another just fully captures the trials and tribulations of trying to get any halfway decent picture of her.

She surprised me by asking “Where’d Cindy go?” She was right. Cindy was missing. Miss Cindy is seeing to family in Memphis this week. Before SJ was ready to leave, Dean Brown found us. He wanted nothing more than to have a conversation with sweet Selah Junebug. She ran and squealed up and down his rocky parking area until she heard some dogs barking.
Dean Brown heard her little “what’s that?” And he generously led her back to the backyard where the dogs were hanging out behind a gate and a chicken wire fence. The black lab, “Clementine (Clem for short), was a little too scary, but she liked the little dog and immediately named her(?) Selah June. She was quiet, which Selah Juney interpreted as “happy.”
She was NOT a fan of Clem’s barking and told Dean Brown while waving adamantly “close the gate!! Close the gate!!” He thought that was awesome.
So we made some new friends today….and some new frienemies apparently. Now we’re watching The Good Dinosaur for the billionth time while we snuggle in Mommy and Daddy’s bed. Pretty nice way to end a Friday.