October 2016 (weeks of playing catch-up)
October 16, 2016
We took SJ over to see Grammy and Grandpa after Grammy’a manipulation. Selah June wanted all up in Grammy’s lap and needed her to read her Bible stories!!

And we had a fresh fruit frozen treat (lime). She loved it! I did not like the mess….
October 17, 2016
i picked up Selah June from school and we went straight to Sonic to get good drinks!! She loves getting a little lemonade, but it’s still difficult keeping it from making a mess.

October 20, 2016
On the way to school today, I had trouble getting SJ to focus on getting in the car. She wanted to pick up all the acorns. I think they’ve been taking them on nature walks at school because it’s so beautiful this time of year.

Chips help with the bribery.

And then we make the trip home.

Somebody loves herself some mashed potatoes!!!!

October 21, 2016
St. Luke’s is known throughout town for its pumpkin patch around Halloween. We took pictures of Selah June there last year, and they turned out great. So I thought it would be an awesome idea to take her over there after school before going home. Only problem was she was EXHAUSTED!!!! What started out as a wonderful beautiful fall afternoon surrounded by tiny little pumpkins and a curious toddler full of whimsy and wonder turned into a nightmare on steroids when we had to “pick one” and go home “to show Daddy.” It took help from the volunteers at the place as well as sheer force to get her buckled in the car and headed home (screaming her head off of course).
We brought 4 pumpkins home and managed to get a couple of cute little shots. (Don’t be fooled by the darling smile.)

Sunday, October 23, 2016
This is my little bohemian princess at lunch after church. I braided her chunk of hair that always falls right in her face. It stayed that way all day, so it might be a keeper. I can’t believe how great that aqua green color is on her. It really brings out those baby blues.

We went to Jason’s Deli because we needed somewhere that would be pretty quick so that we could all get home to take naps before Jule’s birthday party. She wanted salad. “I love it!” “My salad. Not yours! I’m so excited!!”

What kid says that? And she ate it too. I was really impressed. She likes beans, so the chickpeas were a hit. The raisins and the cucumbers went pretty well. She ate some tomatoes. Anything that can be dipped in ranch dressing is going to get eaten eventually. It just takes her a while.
After nap we went to Triple Play. I had never been there and had no idea what to expect. It was basically a huge indoor playground with lots of inflatable slides and bounce houses. They had little cars and tricycles, play kitchens and train tables. It was a hit for our particular age group – ranging from 2 to 6. Here we have them pretty stair-stepped with the 2s in the middle fanning out to the 6s on each end. They were pretty stinkin’ cute…but impossible to capture all smiling at the same time.

She really spent most of the time in this play house with a few play kitchens in it. I peeked in the window once or twice, and she yelled “NOOOOO!!!!! Not yours! Get out!” We have a little bit of a problem with sharing.

The deal with this place is that you just pay them a flat rate, and they handle everything. They provided the pizza and cake in a party room. They had Sprite poured for all the little kids, but not a single one of them wanted Sprite (of course). The crazy thing was that they all started having meltdowns because they wanted water.

Sebastian’s heart was broken when it was time to leave. It was the worst thing anyone had ever done to him. Satie started crying too. It was drama central.
Monday, October 24, 2016
I received an email last Thursday that the UWF Early Childhood Development Center would have an opening in January because a student family is transferring because of the military. So we apparently were next on the list for a student spot (assuming that one or the other of us actually becomes a student for the spring (and summer) semester. One of us has to take either 2 undergraduate classes or 1 graduate class. I’ve already decided I’m going to take a directed study with Sara on all the criminology/sociology stuff that we’re reading together and the research we’re doing for conference papers and ultimately publication. We’re working out the details, but it shouldn’t be a problem.
I had a lot of anxiety when I visited UWf. I don’t really know why — except that she has had a really great experience at St. Luke’s. We just started there, and I’m not really ready to make a change. However, you don’t get to be picky with UWF because there is a horrendous waiting list. We’ve waited for over 2.5 years to get in on the student list (not faculty/staff).

This is what somebody wanted to do with the little pumpkins on the table.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
I picked up something special for Miss Selah June during her nap…a box of Paw Patrol puzzles!! She calls them “pieces” and can’t get enough of them at the moment. She had no trouble at all matching the pieces with parts of each character. (Her favorite is Rider.) Depending on how tired she is she gets frustrated if the “knob” doesn’t fit in the hole she wants it to fit in. When it does, though, she squeals with delight and yells “I did it! Not you!!! Selah Junie did it all by myself!!” Who knew putting puzzles together could be so tyrannical!