Wednesday, March 15, 2017
After my morning appointment, I met up with Mom and we went to go get manicures and pedicures before picking up little Selah June. It’s been quite a while since we did that. Mom thinks it’s been since her trip to Spain before her knee surgery. That’s too long!!
Selah June loved seeing her Grammy show up with me. I was in trouble, though. Apparently, I hadn’t signed up for her to be there on Wednesday. I know that other moms are totally on top of these kinds of details…but I don’t really feel spring break in my work rhythm the way other faculty and students do. And with all the sickness and stress, I’ve just been in a fog. It was okay. Regina just added another day to my billing invoice for this extended week. I just felt really lame…and embarrassed that she had to call me about it – while I was doing something so indulgent as getting a pedicure. Lame…
At Grammy’s house, SJ had an absolute freak out when she saw Grandpa. He had come down to her level and reached out to touch her. It was cold outside, and I think he accidentally shocked her. She didn’t know what it was and it scared her. After I got her to stop screaming, I explained as best I could. She then told everybody she could that Grandpa shocked her and she cried.
It quickly passed, though, and she was chowing down on some chips with Grammy having a grand old time.