August 23, 2015

The theme for this post is “catching up on all the photo shoots I’ve done in the last few weeks but not had enough time to edit and post.”
I keep trying to do photo shoots outdoors against the beautiful backdrop of lush summer grass… but Selah June HATES the feel of grass. She’s so incredibly distracted by it that she won’t even look at the camera.

So we moved to the rocking chair, and it was a little better.

As you can see, I got a few shots in before she decided enough was enough. The last pic is her “I’m about to really not be happy” face. This face is pretty cute, but the one that follows is not so much…
This second set is just closeups for me to commit to memory.

Her eyes every once in a while strike me as so blue that I get lost in them.

This is her ticklish spot. You get up on her neck right under her chin and she lets loose little baby giggles.

She has trouble pacing herself when it comes to particular foods she likes. Right now, I think her favorite is mandarin oranges. She’s also a big fan of watermelon — or “gagamelon” as Grammy calls it.

That face is a mixture of yummy and mischievous all rolled into one.

I love baby toes. Lately, I’ve just been holding onto her feet and rubbing them to try to commit to memory all the feeling and snuggles of her tiny little baby toes.
Lastly, here’s a set of pics from our time together at her highchair. This is some of the best quality time because she’s strapped in and concentrated on eating and visiting. She loves cheerios and chicken and bread and all kinds of fruit and green beans and broccoli and baby crackers and biscuits. We’re pretty much done with purees. She’s all about the real stuff.